Jannon L. Fuchs
Affiliations: | University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States |
Neuronal cilia, effects of sensory experienceWebsite:
"Jannon Fuchs"Mean distance: 14.31 (cluster 7) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorTheodore (Ted) Holmes Bullock | grad student | 1974-1979 | University of North Texas |
Sign in to add traineeLynn Gargan | grad student | University of North Texas | |
Morri D. Hartgraves | grad student | 2000 | University of North Texas |
Eduardo Salazar | grad student | 2004 | University of North Texas |
Olivia E. Coiculescu | grad student | 2005 | University of North Texas |
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Fuchs JL, Moore JA, Schwark HD. (2004) Peripheral inflammation increases phosphoinositide activity in the rat dorsal horn. Brain Research. 1003: 183-7 |
Schwark HD, Tennison CF, Ilyinsky OB, et al. (1999) Inhibitory influences on receptive field size in the dorsal column nuclei. Experimental Brain Research. 126: 439-42 |
Fuchs JL, Salazar E. (1998) Effects of whisker trimming on GABA(A) receptor binding in the barrel cortex of developing and adult rats. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 395: 209-16 |
Schwark HD, Petit MJ, Fuchs JL. (1998) Distribution of substance P receptor binding in dorsal column nuclei of rat, cat, monkey and human. Brain Research. 786: 259-62 |
Schwark HD, Li J, Fuchs JL. (1994) Regional distribution of GABAA receptor binding sites in cat somatosensory and motor cortex. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 343: 362-9 |
Schwark HD, Li J, Fuchs JL. (1994) Regional distribution of GABA(A) receptor binding sites in cat somatosensory and motor cortex Journal of Comparative Neurology. 343: 362-369 |
Robinson ML, Fuchs JL. (1993) [125I]Vasoactive intestinal peptide binding in rodent suprachiasmatic nucleus: developmental and circadian studies. Brain Research. 605: 271-9 |
Fuchs JL, Schwark HD. (1993) Distribution of [3H]QNB and [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin binding and acetylcholinesterase activity in visual system and hippocampal structures of eleven mammalian species. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 329: 427-37 |
Gonzalez DL, Fuchs JL, Droge MH. (1993) Distribution of NMDA receptor binding in developing mouse spinal cord. Neuroscience Letters. 151: 134-7 |
Fuchs JL. (1989) [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin binding marks primary sensory area developing rat neocortex. Brain Research. 501: 223-34 |