Jill S. Hill, Ph.D.

2005 University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology, Native American Studies
"Jill Hill"
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Terry M. Pace grad student 2005 University of Oklahoma
 (Decolonizing personality assessment: An examination of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory -2.)
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Hill JS, Robbins RR, Pace TM. (2012) Cultural validity of the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-2 empirical correlates: Is this the best we can do? Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. 40: 104-116
Franke GR, Hill JS, Ramsey J, et al. (2011) Difference scores, analysis levels, and the (MIS)interpretation of cultural distance Advances in International Marketing. 22: 31-51
Hill JS, Pace TM, Robbins RR. (2010) Decolonizing personality assessment and honoring indigenous voices: a critical examination of the MMPI-2. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 16: 16-25
Hill JS, Lau MY, Sue D. (2010) Integrating trauma psychology and cultural psychology: Indigenous perspectives on theory, research, and practice Traumatology. 16: 39-47
Robbins RR, Hill J, McWhirter PT. (2008) Conflicting epistemologies: A case study of a traditional American Indian in therapy Clinical Case Studies. 7: 449-466
Pace TM, Robbins RR, Choney SK, et al. (2006) A cultural-contextual perspective on the validity of the MMPI-2 with American Indians. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 12: 320-33
Pace TM, Mullins LL, Beesley D, et al. (1999) The Relationship between Children's Emotional and Behavioral Problems and the Social Responses of Elementary School Teachers. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 24: 140-155
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