Nicole A. Young, Phd
Affiliations: | Neuroscience | Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH | |
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN |
deep brain stimulation, neuromodulationWebsite:,%20phd/pages/index.aspxGoogle:
"Nicole Young"Mean distance: 13.68 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorG. Campbell Teskey | grad student | 2002-2008 | University of Calgary |
Jon H. Kaas | post-doc | 2009- | Vanderbilt |
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Baldwin MKL, Young NA, Matrov D, et al. (2018) Cortical projections to the superior colliculus in gray squirrels (Sciurus Carolinensis). The European Journal of Neuroscience |
Krishna V, Sammartino F, Rabbani Q, et al. (2018) 348 An Integrated Solution to Predict the Stimulation Parameters After STN DBS for PD Neurosurgery. 65: 139-139 |
Turner EC, Young NA, Reed JL, et al. (2016) Distributions of Cells and Neurons across the Cortical Sheet in Old World Macaques. Brain, Behavior and Evolution |
Collins CE, Turner EC, Sawyer EK, et al. (2016) Cortical cell and neuron density estimates in one chimpanzee hemisphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Balaram P, Young NA, Kaas JH. (2014) Histological features of layers and sublayers in cortical visual areas V1 and V2 of chimpanzees, macaque monkeys, and humans. Eye and Brain. 2014: 5-18 |
Miller DJ, Balaram P, Young NA, et al. (2014) Three counting methods agree on cell and neuron number in chimpanzee primary visual cortex. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 8: 36 |
Young NA, Szabó CÃ, Phelix CF, et al. (2013) Epileptic baboons have lower numbers of neurons in specific areas of cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 19107-12 |
Young NA, Collins CE, Kaas JH. (2013) Cell and neuron densities in the primary motor cortex of primates. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 7: 30 |
Young NA, Flaherty DK, Airey DC, et al. (2012) Use of flow cytometry for high-throughput cell population estimates in brain tissue. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 6: 27 |
Young NA, Vuong J, Teskey GC. (2012) Development of motor maps in rats and their modulation by experience. Journal of Neurophysiology. 108: 1309-17 |