Elissa Koff
Affiliations: | Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, United States |
Neuroscience, Brain and BehaviorGoogle:
"Elissa Koff"Bio:
Undergraduate faculty member, Wellesley College (MA, USA) neurosciences program, Psychology Department.
Mean distance: 106866 (cluster 25)
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Lucas M, Koff E. (2017) Body image, impulse buying, and the mediating role of negative affect Personality and Individual Differences. 105: 330-334 |
Lucas M, Koff E. (2014) The role of impulsivity and of self-perceived attractiveness in impulse buying in women Personality and Individual Differences. 56: 111-115 |
Lucas M, Koff E, Grossmith S, et al. (2011) Sexual orientation and shifts in preferences for a partner's body attributes in short-term versus long-term mating contexts. Psychological Reports. 108: 699-710 |
Koff E, Lucas M. (2011) Mood moderates the relationship between impulsiveness and delay discounting Personality and Individual Differences. 50: 1018-1022 |
Koff E, Lucas M, Migliorini R, et al. (2010) Women and body dissatisfaction: Does sexual orientation make a difference? Body Image. 7: 255-8 |
Zaitchik D, Koff E, Brownell H, et al. (2006) Inference of beliefs and emotions in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychology. 20: 11-20 |
Koff E, Benavage A, Wong B. (2001) Body-image attitudes and psychosocial functioning in Euro-American and Asian-American college women. Psychological Reports. 88: 917-28 |
Mandal MK, Borod JC, Asthana HS, et al. (1999) Effects of lesion variables and emotion type on the perception of facial emotion. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 187: 603-9 |
Montepare J, Koff E, Zaitchik D, et al. (1999) The use of body movements and gestures as cues to emotions in younger and older adults Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 23: 133-152 |
Lorch MP, Borod JC, Koff E. (1998) The role of emotion in the linguistics and pragmatic aspects of aphasic performance Journal of Neurolinguistics. 11: 103-118 |