Walter Zidek
Affiliations: | Nephrology | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany |
"Walter Zidek"Mean distance: 18.83 (cluster 3) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Staschen C, Lehmenkühler A, Zidek W, et al. (1987) Beziehungen zwischen kortikalen DC Potentialen und der K+-Konzentration im Blut und Extrazellulärraum der Hirnrinde bei reversibler Asphyxie Klinische Neurophysiologie. 18: 53-57 |
Zidek W, Speckmann EJ. (1979) Temperature dependent membrane potential changes in snail neurons and their relation to active ion transport. Malacologia. 18: 539-41 |
Zidek W, Speckmann EJ, Lehmenkühler A. (1978) Dependency of the resting membrane potential on the extracellular chloride concentration in identified neurons of Helix pomatia. Neuroscience Letters. 7: 163-6 |
Zidek W, Speckmann EJ. (1975) [Contribution of active ion transport to membrane potential of excitable cells]. Hippokrates. 46: 255-7 |