Peter Martin Todd

Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
"Peter Martin Todd"
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David E. Rumelhart grad student 1992 Stanford
 (The evolution of learning : simulating the interaction of adaptive processes.)
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Sang K, Todd PM, Goldstone RL, et al. (2020) Simple Threshold Rules Solve Explore/Exploit Trade-offs in a Resource Accumulation Search Task. Cognitive Science. 44: e12817
Todd PM, Hills TT. (2020) Foraging in Mind Current Directions in Psychological Science. 29: 309-315
Cohen SE, Todd PM. (2019) Stated and revealed preferences in companion animal choice. Behavior Research Methods
Cohen SE, Todd PM. (2018) Relationship Foraging: Does time spent searching predict relationship length? Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. 12: 139-151
Todd PM, Miller GF. (2018) The Evolutionary Psychology of Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Are There Universal Adaptations in Search, Aversion, and Signaling? Biological Theory. 13: 131-141
Chater N, Felin T, Funder DC, et al. (2017) Mind, rationality, and cognition: An interdisciplinary debate. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Wilke A, Minich S, Panis M, et al. (2015) A Game of Hide and Seek: Expectations of Clumpy Resources Influence Hiding and Searching Patterns. Plos One. 10: e0130976
Jones MN, Hills TT, Todd PM. (2015) Hidden processes in structural representations: A reply to Abbott, Austerweil, and Griffiths (2015). Psychological Review. 122: 570-4
Fu WT, Hills T, Todd PM. (2015) Interfacing Mind and Environment: The Central Role of Search in Cognition. Topics in Cognitive Science
Hills TT, Todd PM, Jones MN. (2015) Foraging in Semantic Fields: How We Search Through Memory. Topics in Cognitive Science
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