Derek J. Burks, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009 | Department of Educational Psychology | University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States |
Clinical Psychology, General Psychology, PhilosophyGoogle:
"Derek Burks"Mean distance: 13358.2
Sign in to add mentorRockey Robbins | grad student | 2009 | University of Oklahoma | |
(Psychologists' authenticity.) |
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Burks DJ, Robbins R. (2012) Psychologists' authenticity: Implications for work in professional and therapeutic settings Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 52: 75-104 |
Burks DJ, Robbins R, Durtschi JP. (2011) American Indian gay, bisexual and two-spirit men: a rapid assessment of HIV/AIDS risk factors, barriers to prevention and culturally-sensitive intervention. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 13: 283-98 |
Burks DJ, Robbins R. (2011) Are You Analyzing Me? A Qualitative Exploration of Psychologists' Individual and Interpersonal Experiences with Authenticity Humanistic Psychologist. 39: 348-365 |