Lixin Ren, Ph.D.

2015 Psychology The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Asian Studies
"Lixin Ren"
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Carolyn P. Edwards grad student 2015 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (Parenting young children in contemporary Chinese society: A mixed methods study.)
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Ren L, Chen M, Hu BY, et al. (2024) Parenting beliefs and practices as precursors to academic outcomes in Chinese children. Family Process
Xu W, Ren L, Li Y, et al. (2024) Distinct patterns of grandparental involvement in childrearing and Chinese preschoolers' social-emotional development. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43)
Ren L, Wu Y, Mang L, et al. (2023) Chinese parents' perceived social change and their organisation of preschoolers' learning activities. International Journal of Psychology : Journal International De Psychologie
Ren L, Tong X, Xu W, et al. (2021) Distinct patterns of organized activity participation and their associations with school readiness among Chinese preschoolers. Journal of School Psychology. 86: 100-119
Ren L, Chen J, Li X, et al. (2020) Extracurricular Activities and Chinese Children's School Readiness: Who Benefits More? Child Development
Ren L, Hu BY, Zhang X. (2020) Disentangling the Relations Between Different Components of Family Socioeconomic Status and Chinese Preschoolers' School Readiness. Family Process
Ren L, Zhang X. (2020) Antecedents and consequences of organized extracurricular activities among Chinese preschoolers in Hong Kong Learning and Instruction. 65: 101267
Zhang X, Yang Y, Zou X, et al. (2020) Measuring preschool children's affective attitudes toward mathematics Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 53: 413-424
Ren L, Cheung RY, Boise C, et al. (2020) Fathers’ perceived co-parenting and children's academic readiness among Chinese preschoolers: Longitudinal pathways through parenting and behavioral regulation Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 53: 77-85
Fan J, Ren L, Li X. (2020) Contributions of child temperament and marital quality to coparenting among Chinese families Children and Youth Services Review. 108: 104610
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