Stanislav S. Rubakhin

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
"Stanislav Rubakhin"
Mean distance: 18.29 (cluster 11)
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Andersen HM, Tai HC, Rubakhin SS, et al. (2024) A novel series of metazoan L/D peptide isomerases. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 107458
Wang Y, Saha U, Rubakhin SS, et al. (2024) High-resolution H-MRSI at 9.4 T by integrating relaxation enhancement and subspace imaging. Nmr in Biomedicine. e5161
Su P, Hollas MAR, Butun FA, et al. (2024) Single Cell Analysis of Proteoforms. Journal of Proteome Research
Xie YR, Castro DC, Rubakhin SS, et al. (2024) Multiscale biochemical mapping of the brain through deep-learning-enhanced high-throughput mass spectrometry. Nature Methods
Lee CJ, Lee DK, Wei IA, et al. (2023) Relations between Glucose and d-Amino Acids in the Modulation of Biochemical and Functional Properties of Rodent Islets of Langerhans. Acs Omega. 8: 47723-47734
Tan Y, De La Toba E, Rubakhin SS, et al. (2023) NanoLC-timsTOF-Assisted Analysis of Glycated Albumin in Diabetes-Affected Plasma and Tears. Journal of the American Society For Mass Spectrometry
Qiu TA, Lee CJ, Huang C, et al. (2023) Biodistribution and racemization of gut-absorbed L/D-alanine in germ-free mice. Communications Biology. 6: 851
Xie YR, Castro DC, Rubakhin SS, et al. (2023) Integrative Multiscale Biochemical Mapping of the Brain via Deep-Learning-Enhanced High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Castro DC, Smith KW, Norsworthy MD, et al. (2023) Single-Cell and Subcellular Analysis Using Ultrahigh Resolution 21 T MALDI FTICR Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry
Lee DK, Rubakhin SS, Sweedler JV. (2023) Chemical Decrosslinking-Based Peptide Characterization of Formaldehyde-Fixed Rat Pancreas Using Fluorescence-Guided Single-Cell Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry
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