Dona Chikaraishi

Duke University, Durham, NC 
Development, catecholamines
"Dona Chikaraishi"
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Norman Weiner research scientist 1983-1984 CU Boulder


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William W. Rubin grad student 2000 Duke
Laura J. Lewis-Tuffin grad student 2002 Duke
Margie A. Ream grad student 2008 Duke
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Ream MA, Chandra R, Peavey M, et al. (2008) High oxygen prevents fetal lethality due to lack of catecholamines. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 295: R942-53
Ream M, Ray AM, Chandra R, et al. (2008) Early fetal hypoxia leads to growth restriction and myocardial thinning. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 295: R583-95
Chandra R, Portbury AL, Ray A, et al. (2006) Beta1-adrenergic receptors maintain fetal heart rate and survival. Biology of the Neonate. 89: 147-58
Lewis-Tuffin LJ, Quinn PG, Chikaraishi DM. (2004) Tyrosine hydroxylase transcription depends primarily on cAMP response element activity, regardless of the type of inducing stimulus. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 25: 536-47
Portbury AL, Chandra R, Groelle M, et al. (2003) Catecholamines act via a beta-adrenergic receptor to maintain fetal heart rate and survival. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 284: H2069-77
Rios M, Habecker B, Sasaoka T, et al. (1999) Catecholamine synthesis is mediated by tyrosinase in the absence of tyrosine hydroxylase Journal of Neuroscience. 19: 3519-3526
Yoon SO, Chikaraishi DM. (1992) Tissue-specific transcription of the rat tyrosine hydroxylase gene requires synergy between an AP-1 motif and an overlapping E box-containing dyad. Neuron. 9: 55-67
Fung BP, Yoon SO, Chikaraishi DM. (1992) Sequences that direct rat tyrosine hydroxylase gene expression. Journal of Neurochemistry. 58: 2044-52
Cambi F, Fung B, Chikaraishi D. (1989) 5' Flanking DNA sequences direct cell-specific expression of rat tyrosine hydroxylase Journal of Neurochemistry. 53: 1656-1659
Tank AW, Lewis EJ, Chikaraishi DM, et al. (1985) Elevation of RNA coding for tyrosine hydroxylase in rat adrenal gland by reserpine treatment and exposure to cold. Journal of Neurochemistry. 45: 1030-3
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