Nancy K. Squires

Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States 
"Nancy Squires"
Mean distance: 13.34 (cluster 50)
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Parvaz MA, Maloney T, Moeller SJ, et al. (2012) Sensitivity to monetary reward is most severely compromised in recently abstaining cocaine addicted individuals: a cross-sectional ERP study. Psychiatry Research. 203: 75-82
Broselow E, Hwang J, Squires N. (2009) Cross‐linguistic interpretation of duration. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 125: 2771-2771
Azizian A, Freitas AL, Squires NK. (2008) Varieties of action control: event-related brain potentials of responding to symbolically congruent and incongruent cues. Physiology & Behavior. 93: 905-11
Freitas AL, Katz A, Azizian A, et al. (2008) When affective cues broaden thought: Evidence from event-related potentials associated with identifying emotionally expressive faces Cognition and Emotion. 22: 1499-1512
Freitas AL, Azizian A, Leung HC, et al. (2007) Resisting recently acted-on cues: compatibility of Go/NoGo responses to response history modulates (frontal P3) event-related potentials. Psychophysiology. 44: 2-10
Goldstein RZ, Alia-Klein N, Tomasi D, et al. (2007) Is decreased prefrontal cortical sensitivity to monetary reward associated with impaired motivation and self-control in cocaine addiction? The American Journal of Psychiatry. 164: 43-51
Goldstein RZ, Cottone LA, Jia Z, et al. (2006) The effect of graded monetary reward on cognitive event-related potentials and behavior in young healthy adults. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 62: 272-9
Azizian A, Freitas AL, Parvaz MA, et al. (2006) Beware misleading cues: perceptual similarity modulates the N2/P3 complex. Psychophysiology. 43: 253-60
Watson TD, Azizian A, Squires NK. (2006) Event-related potential correlates of extradimensional and intradimensional set-shifts in a modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Brain Research. 1092: 138-51
Azizian A, Watson TD, Parvaz MA, et al. (2006) Time course of processes underlying picture and word evaluation: an event-related potential approach. Brain Topography. 18: 213-22
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