Todd Nolan

University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
pain, central sensitization
"Todd Nolan"
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Anderson EM, Mills R, Nolan TA, et al. (2013) Use of the Operant Orofacial Pain Assessment Device (OPAD) to measure changes in nociceptive behavior. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove. e50336
Nolan TA, Price DD, Caudle RM, et al. (2012) Placebo-induced analgesia in an operant pain model in rats. Pain. 153: 2009-16
Anderson EM, Del Valle-Pinero AY, Suckow SK, et al. (2012) Morphine and MK-801 administration leads to alternative N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 1 splicing and associated changes in reward seeking behavior and nociception on an operant orofacial assay. Neuroscience. 214: 14-27
Nolan TA, Hester J, Bokrand-Donatelli Y, et al. (2011) Adaptation of a novel operant orofacial testing system to characterize both mechanical and thermal pain. Behavioural Brain Research. 217: 477-80
Nolan TA, Caudle RM, Neubert JK. (2011) Effect of caloric and non-caloric sweet reward solutions on thermal facial operant conditioning. Behavioural Brain Research. 216: 723-5
Caudle RM, King C, Nolan TA, et al. (2010) Central sensitization in the trigeminal nucleus caudalis produced by a conjugate of substance P and the A subunit of cholera toxin. The Journal of Pain : Official Journal of the American Pain Society. 11: 838-46
Nolan T, Brewer K. (2005) Spinal and supraspinal expression of PKC isoforms following excitotoxic spinal cord injury and implications for chronic pain management The Journal of Pain. 6: S10
Brewer KL, McMillan D, Nolan T, et al. (2003) Cortical changes in cholecystokinin mRNA are related to spontaneous pain behaviors following excitotoxic spinal cord injury in the rat. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 118: 171-4
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