Luc Boutsen

Aston University, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom 
visual cognition, neuropsychology, brain imaging
"Luc Boutsen"
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Boutsen L, Pearson NA, Jüttner M. (2021) Do facially disfiguring features influence attention and perception of faces? Evidence from an antisaccade task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218211041621
Boutsen L, Pearson NA, Jüttner M. (2018) Differential impact of disfiguring facial features on overt and covert attention. Acta Psychologica. 190: 122-134
Boutsen L, Pearson N, Juttner M. (2015) The effect of a salient disfiguring feature on covert and overt attention to faces F1000research. 4
Cassidy KD, Boutsen L, Humphreys GW, et al. (2014) Ingroup categorization affects the structural encoding of other-race faces: evidence from the N170 event-related potential. Social Neuroscience. 9: 235-48
Riddoch MJ, Johnston RA, Bracewell RM, et al. (2008) Are faces special? A case of pure prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology. 25: 3-26
Boutsen L, Humphreys GW, Praamstra P, et al. (2006) Comparing neural correlates of configural processing in faces and objects: an ERP study of the Thatcher illusion. Neuroimage. 32: 352-67
Ballaz C, Boutsen L, Peyrin C, et al. (2005) Visual search for object orientation can be modulated by canonical orientation. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 31: 20-39
Boutsen L, Wriglesworth AM, Humphreys GW. (2005) The effect of orientation and feature inversion on the perception of face expression: Support for a dual-mode theory of face processing Perception. 34: 0-0
Boutsen L, Humphreys GW. (2003) On the interaction between perceptual and response selection: neuropsychological evidence. Neurocase. 9: 239-50
Boutsen L, Humphreys GW. (2003) The effect of inversion on the encoding of normal and "thatcherized" faces. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. a, Human Experimental Psychology. 56: 955-75
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