David A. Fedele, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Psychology | Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States |
General Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Individual and Family StudiesGoogle:
"David Fedele"Mean distance: 11874
Sign in to add mentorLarry L. Mullins | grad student | 2012 | Oklahoma State University | |
(The relationship of cortisol to psychological adjustment in parents of children diagnosed with cancer.) |
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Koskela-Staples NC, Moorman EL, Jackson E, et al. (2024) A systematic review of parent-child communication in pediatric asthma. Journal of Pediatric Psychology |
Waters EA, Pachur T, Pogge G, et al. (2023) How are mental representations of asthma triggers and symptoms related to interpersonal risk perceptions? A psychometric investigation of caregivers of children with asthma. Psychology & Health. 1-23 |
Mobley AR, Jake-Schoffman DE, Fedele DA, et al. (2023) BabyByte: Qualitative Research to Inform the Development of an App to Improve Responsive Feeding Practices in Parents of Infants and Toddlers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 |
Shepperd JA, Webster GD, Pogge GC, et al. (2022) Psychometric properties and predictive validity of the PP-ACT. The Journal of Asthma : Official Journal of the Association For the Care of Asthma. 1-11 |
Fedele DA, Cushing CC, Koskela-Staples N, et al. (2020) Adaptive Mobile Health Intervention for Adolescents with Asthma: Iterative User-Centered Development. Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth. 8: e18400 |
Mobley A, Schoffman DJ, Fedele D, et al. (2020) BabyByte: Formative Research to Inform the Development of an App to Improve Responsive Feeding Practices in Parents of Infants and Toddlers Current Developments in Nutrition. 4: 1333-1333 |
Turner EM, Koskela-Staples N, Voorhees S, et al. (2020) Health-related decision-making in early adolescents with poorly controlled asthma. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology |
Sweenie R, Basch M, Ding K, et al. (2019) Subjective social status in adolescents with asthma: Psychosocial and physical health outcomes. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association |
Netz M, Fedele DA, Sweenie R, et al. (2019) Asthma Management Responsibility, Control, and Quality of Life Among Emerging Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Psychology |
Cushing CC, Fedele DA, Patton SR, et al. (2019) Responsive Asthma Care for Teens (ReACT): development protocol for an adaptive mobile health intervention for adolescents with asthma. Bmj Open. 9: e030029 |