Christmas N. Covell, Ph.D.

2002 The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology
"Christmas Covell"
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Mario J. Scalora grad student 2002 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (Empathic deficits in sexual offenders: An integration of affective, social, and cognitive constructs.)
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Scalora MJ, Baumgartner JV, Hatch Maillette MA, et al. (2003) Risk Factors for Approach Behavior Toward the U.S. Congress Journal of Threat Assessment. 2: 35-55
Scalora MJ, Baumgartner JV, Zimmerman W, et al. (2002) An epidemiological assessment of problematic contacts to members of Congress. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 47: 1360-4
Covell CN, Scalora MJ. (2002) Empathic deficits in sexual offenders: An integration of affective, social, and cognitive constructs Aggression and Violent Behavior. 7: 251-270
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