Chad Shenk, Ph.D.

2007 Psychology University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Chad Shenk"
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Alan E. Fruzzetti grad student 2007 University of Nevada, Reno
 (The impact of validating and invalidating responses on emotional arousal.)
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Olson AE, Chow SM, Jones DE, et al. (2023) Child maltreatment, parent-child relationship quality, and parental monitoring in relation to adolescent behavior problems: Disaggregating between and within person effects. Child Abuse & Neglect. 136: 106003
Olson AE, Shenk CE, Noll JG, et al. (2021) Child Maltreatment and Substance Use in Emerging Adulthood: Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors at the Transition to Adolescence as Indirect Pathways. Child Maltreatment. 10775595211010965
O'Sullivan D, Watts J, Shenk C. (2018) Child maltreatment severity, chronic substance abuse, and disability status. Rehabilitation Psychology. 63: 313-323
Shenk CE, Ammerman RT, Teeters AR, et al. (2017) History of Maltreatment in Childhood and Subsequent Parenting Stress in At-Risk, First-Time Mothers: Identifying Points of Intervention During Home Visiting. Prevention Science : the Official Journal of the Society For Prevention Research
Shenk CE, Fruzzetti AE. (2014) Parental Validating and Invalidating Responses and Adolescent Psychological Functioning: An Observational Study Family Journal. 22: 43-48
Shenk CE, Putnam FW, Noll JG. (2013) Predicting the accuracy of facial affect recognition: the interaction of child maltreatment and intellectual functioning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 114: 229-242
Shenk CE, Fruzzetti AE. (2011) The impact of validating and invalidating responses on emotional reactivity Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 30: 163-183
Iverson KM, Shenk C, Fruzzetti AE. (2009) Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Women Victims of Domestic Abuse: A Pilot Study Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 40: 242-248
Fruzzetti AE, Shenk C. (2008) Fostering validating responses in families Social Work in Mental Health. 6: 215-227
Fruzzetti AE, Shenk C, Hoffman PD. (2005) Family interaction and the development of borderline personality disorder: a transactional model. Development and Psychopathology. 17: 1007-30
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