Elisa M. Trucco, Ph.D.

2012 Psychology State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology
"Elisa Trucco"
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Craig R. Colder grad student 2012 SUNY Buffalo
 (Contextual factors in substance use: How neighborhoods, parents and peers impact substance use in an early adolescent sample.)
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Zaorska J, Skrzeszewski J, Kobyliński P, et al. (2024) From childhood trauma to alcohol use disorder severity - significance of depressive symptoms and expectations towards analgesic effects of alcohol. Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). 59
Fallah-Sohy N, Trucco EM. (2024) Mother-child dynamics: Examining reciprocal relations between parental knowledge, child disclosure, parental legitimacy beliefs, and adolescent alcohol use. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence
Trucco EM, Fallah-Sohy N, Cristello JV, et al. (2023) The Role of Socialization Contexts on Adolescent Substance Use across Racial and Ethnic Groups. Current Addiction Reports. 10: 412-421
Zaorska J, Rydzewska M, Kopera M, et al. (2023) Distress tolerance and emotional regulation in individuals with alcohol use disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 14: 1175664
Trucco EM, Fava NM, Villar MG, et al. (2023) Social Isolation During the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts the Link between Child Abuse and Adolescent Internalizing Problems. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 52: 1313-1324
Cristello JV, Litt DM, Sutherland MT, et al. (2023) Subjective norms as a mediator between exposure to online alcohol and marijuana content and offline use among adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Review
Hare MM, Trucco EM, Hawes SW, et al. (2023) Pathways to substance use: Examining conduct problems and parenting behaviors from preschool to adolescence. Development and Psychopathology. 1-13
Luo X, Yang JJ, Buu A, et al. (2022) Alcohol and cannabis co-use and longitudinal gray matter volumetric changes in early and late adolescence. Addiction Biology. 27: e13208
Trucco EM, Fallah-Sohy N, Hartmann SA, et al. (2022) The Impact of COVID-19 Experiences on Adolescent Internalizing Problems and Substance Use Among a Predominantly Latinx Sample. Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Trucco EM, Hartmann SA. (2021) Understanding the Etiology of Adolescent Substance Use through Developmental Perspectives. Child Development Perspectives. 15: 257-264
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