Henning Stracke

U. Muenster, Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
auditory perception
"Henning Stracke"
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Okamoto H, Stracke H, Bermudez P, et al. (2011) Sound processing hierarchy within human auditory cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23: 1855-63
Stracke H, Okamoto H, Pantev C. (2010) Customized notched music training reduces tinnitus loudness. Communicative & Integrative Biology. 3: 274-7
Okamoto H, Stracke H, Stoll W, et al. (2010) Listening to tailor-made notched music reduces tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related auditory cortex activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 1207-10
Okamoto H, Stracke H, Lagemann L, et al. (2010) Bottom-up driven involuntary auditory evoked field change: constant sound sequencing amplifies but does not sharpen neural activity. Journal of Neurophysiology. 103: 244-9
Okamoto H, Stracke H, Lagemann L, et al. (2010) Bottom-up and top-down driven attentional effects on auditory evoked fields Ifmbe Proceedings. 28: 318-321
Okamoto H, Stracke H, Draganova R, et al. (2009) Hemispheric asymmetry of auditory evoked fields elicited by spectral versus temporal stimulus change. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 19: 2290-7
Okamoto H, Stracke H, Zwitserlood P, et al. (2009) Frequency-specific modulation of population-level frequency tuning in human auditory cortex. Bmc Neuroscience. 10: 1
Stracke H, Okamoto H, Pantev C. (2009) Interhemispheric support during demanding auditory signal-in-noise processing. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 19: 1440-7
Okamoto H, Stracke H, Pantev C. (2008) Neural interactions within and beyond the critical band elicited by two simultaneously presented narrow band noises: a magnetoencephalographic study. Neuroscience. 151: 913-20
Okamoto H, Stracke H, Ross B, et al. (2007) Left hemispheric dominance during auditory processing in a noisy environment. Bmc Biology. 5: 52
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