Stephen D. Christman

University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, United States 
Cognitive neuropsychology, Brain asymmetry
"Stephen Christman"
Mean distance: 20.09 (cluster 8)


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Curtis Hardyck grad student 1982-1988 UC Berkeley
 (Spatial Frequencies & the hemispheres)
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Prichard EC, Christman SD, Walters J. (2020) The Pen Is Not Always Mightier: Different Ways of Measuring Handedness With the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory Yield Different Handedness Conclusions. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 31512520927562
Propper RE, Wolfarth A, Carlei C, et al. (2018) Superior categorical and coordinate spatial task performance in inconsistent-handers relative to consistent-right-handers. Laterality. 1-15
Sullivan JV, Potvin JM, Christman SD. (2018) Mere ownership of memory: motor manipulation during encoding affects memory for words. Cognitive Processing
Prunier S, Christman S, Jasper J. (2017) The effects of varying levels of hemispheric activation on episodic memory. Laterality. 1-13
Propper RE, Patel N, Christman SD, et al. (2017) Superior episodic memory in inconsistent-handers: a replication and extension using fNIRS. Memory (Hove, England). 1-6
Propper RE, Dodd K, Christman SD, et al. (2016) Relationship between sustained unilateral hand clench, emotional state, line bisection performance, and prefrontal cortical activity: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Laterality. 1-19
Christman SD, Prichard EC, Corser R. (2015) Factor analysis of the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory: Inconsistent handedness yields a two-factor solution. Brain and Cognition. 98: 82-6
Sahu A, Christman SD. (2014) Handedness differences observed in episodic memory retrieval do not extend to the domain of prospective memory. Brain and Cognition. 92: 118-122
Jasper JD, Kunzler JS, Prichard EC, et al. (2014) Individual differences in information order effects: the importance of right-hemisphere access in belief updating. Acta Psychologica. 148: 115-22
Jasper JD, Woolf J, Christman SD. (2014) Responding to framed health messages: different strokes for different (handedness) folks. Psychology & Health. 29: 671-86
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