Vincent J. Dorie, Ph.D.

2014 Statistics Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Vincent Dorie"


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Andrew Gelman grad student 2014 Columbia
 (Mixed methods for mixed models.)
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Dorie V, Perrett G, Hill JL, et al. (2022) Stan and BART for Causal Inference: Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Using the Power of Stan and the Flexibility of Machine Learning. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland). 24
Dorie V, Harada M, Carnegie NB, et al. (2016) A flexible, interpretable framework for assessing sensitivity to unmeasured confounding. Statistics in Medicine
Chung Y, Gelman A, Rabe-Hesketh S, et al. (2015) Weakly Informative Prior for Point Estimation of Covariance Matrices in Hierarchical Models Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 40: 136-157
Chung Y, Rabe-Hesketh S, Dorie V, et al. (2013) A nondegenerate penalized likelihood estimator for variance parameters in multilevel models. Psychometrika. 78: 685-709
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