Brenda Gilbert
Affiliations: | Psychology | Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL |
Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Adult and Continuing Education, Black StudiesGoogle:
"Brenda Gilbert"Mean distance: 7124.4
Sign in to add traineeDavid A. Elam | grad student | 2000 | SIU Carbondale |
Carolyn Rowley | grad student | 2000 | SIU Carbondale |
Karlene J. Robinson | grad student | 2001 | SIU Carbondale |
Sefali H. Bhutwala | grad student | 2002 | SIU Carbondale |
Tamara F. Viviano | grad student | 2002 | SIU Carbondale |
Brenda A. Wiens | grad student | 2003 | SIU Carbondale |
Tgichona G. Martin | grad student | 2004 | SIU Carbondale |
Katherine L. Bishop | grad student | 2005 | SIU Carbondale |
Mary F. Cwik | grad student | 2005 | SIU Carbondale |
Peter E. Jaberg | grad student | 2005 | SIU Carbondale |
Heather A. Kaiser | grad student | 2005 | SIU Carbondale |
Sharlonda Harvey | grad student | 2007 | SIU Carbondale |
Deborah M. Sperry | grad student | 2008 | SIU Carbondale |
Kristen Marin | grad student | 2011 | SIU Carbondale |
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Palo AD, Gilbert BO. (2015) The Relationship Between Perceptions of Response to Disclosure of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Later Outcomes. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 24: 445-63 |
Starks TJ, Gilbert BO, Fischer AR, et al. (2009) Gendered sexuality: a new model and measure of attraction and intimacy. Journal of Homosexuality. 56: 14-30 |
Sperry DM, Gilbert BO. (2005) Child peer sexual abuse: preliminary data on outcomes and disclosure experiences. Child Abuse & Neglect. 29: 889-904 |
Rubenzahl SA, Gilbert BO. (2002) Providing sexual education to victims of child sexual abuse:what is a clinician to do? Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 11: 1-25 |
Gilbert B. (2002) Violence in adolescence - Case studies of two boys who stabbed their victims Kinderanalyse. 10: 227-252 |
Wiens BA, Gilbert BO. (2000) A reexamination of a childhood cancer stereotype. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 25: 151-9 |
Fox KM, Gilbert BO. (1994) The interpersonal and psychological functioning of women who experienced childhood physical abuse, incest, and parental alcoholism Child Abuse and Neglect. 18: 849-858 |
McNeill VN, Gilbert BO. (1991) External locus of control in children of alcoholics. Psychological Reports. 68: 528-30 |
Gilbert B. (1990) Early Prediction and Prevention of Child Abuse (Book) Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. 19: 178-178 |
Gilbert BO. (1988) Child Abuse: Implications for Child Development and Psychopathology (Book) Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 17: 260-261 |