Brian D. McCabe

Columbia University, New York, NY 
Drosophila nervous system development
"Brian McCabe"
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Matthew L. Kraushar research assistant 2006-2008 Columbia
Ben Jiwon Choi grad student Columbia (FlyTree)
Pao-Shu Wu grad student 2005-2006 Columbia
Anindya K. Sen grad student 2005-2007 Harvard Medical School
Ellen B. Penney grad student 2010 Columbia
Kristen M. Werner grad student 2010 Columbia
Jonathan R. Brent grad student 2012 Columbia
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Banerjee S, Vernon S, Ruchti E, et al. (2024) Trio preserves motor synapses and prolongs motor ability during aging. Cell Reports. 43: 114256
Garrett EC, Bielawski AM, Ruchti E, et al. (2023) The matricellular protein Drosophila CCN is required for synaptic transmission and female fertility. Genetics
Certel SJ, Ruchti E, McCabe BD, et al. (2022) A conditional glutamatergic synaptic vesicle marker for Drosophila. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Banerjee S, Vernon S, Jiao W, et al. (2021) Miniature neurotransmission is required to maintain Drosophila synaptic structures during ageing. Nature Communications. 12: 4399
Chiriboga CA, Marra J, LaMarca NM, et al. (2020) Lack of effect on ambulation of dalfampridine-ER (4-AP) treatment in adult SMA patients. Neuromuscular Disorders : Nmd
Sherer LM, Catudio Garrett E, Morgan HR, et al. (2020) Octopamine neuron dependent aggression requires dVGLUT from dual-transmitting neurons. Plos Genetics. 16: e1008609
Zeng Q, Michael IP, Zhang P, et al. (2019) Synaptic proximity enables NMDAR signalling to promote brain metastasis. Nature
Smith P, Arias R, Sonti S, et al. (2018) A Drosophila Model of Essential Tremor. Scientific Reports. 8: 7664
Aguilar JI, Dunn M, Mingote S, et al. (2017) Neuronal Depolarization Drives Increased Dopamine Synaptic Vesicle Loading via VGLUT. Neuron
Di Giorgio ML, Esposito A, Maccallini P, et al. (2017) WDR79/TCAB1 plays a conserved role in the control of locomotion and ameliorates phenotypic defects in SMA models. Neurobiology of Disease
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