Wolfgang H. R. Miltner
Affiliations: | Biological and Clinical Psychology | Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Thüringen, Germany |
pain, error processing, decision-making, reinforcement learning, hypnosis, anxiety, motor rehabilitationGoogle:
"Wolfgang Miltner"Mean distance: 15.02 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeJohannes S. Hewig | research scientist | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | |
Thomas Straube | research scientist | University of Jena | |
Ralf H. Trippe | research scientist | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | |
Thomas Weiss | research scientist | Friedrich Schiller University Jena |
Sign in to add collaboratorJohn J. B. Allen | collaborator | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | |
Michael G. H. Coles | collaborator | University of Jena | |
Michael G. H. Coles | collaborator | Friedrich Schiller University Jena |
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Müller-Bardorff M, Bruchmann M, Mothes-Lasch M, et al. (2018) Early brain responses to affective faces: A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study. Neuroimage |
Dietrich C, Blume KR, Franz M, et al. (2017) Dermatomal Organization of SI Leg Representation in Humans: Revising the Somatosensory Homunculus. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) |
Brinkmann L, Poller H, Herrmann MJ, et al. (2017) Initial and sustained brain responses to threat anticipation in blood-injection-injury phobia. Neuroimage. Clinical. 13: 320-329 |
Lin H, Mueller-Bardorff M, Mothes-Lasch M, et al. (2016) Effects of Intensity of Facial Expressions on Amygdalar Activation Independently of Valence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10: 646 |
Puta C, Franz M, Blume KR, et al. (2016) Are There Abnormalities in Peripheral and Central Components of Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10: 521 |
Kessler L, Hewig J, Weichold K, et al. (2016) Feedback negativity and decision-making behavior in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) in adolescents is modulated by peer presence. Psychophysiology |
Simon D, Becker M, Mothes-Lasch M, et al. (2016) Loud and angry: Sound intensity modulates amygdala activation to angry voices in social anxiety disorder. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience |
Becker MP, Nitsch AM, Hewig J, et al. (2016) Parametric modulation of reward sequences during a reversal task in ACC and VMPFC but not amygdala and striatum. Neuroimage |
Ritter A, Franz M, Puta C, et al. (2016) Enhanced Brain Responses to Pain-Related Words in Chronic Back Pain Patients and Their Modulation by Current Pain. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). 4 |
Peterburs J, Sandrock C, Miltner WH, et al. (2016) Look who's judging-Feedback source modulates brain activation to performance feedback in social anxiety. Neuroimage |