Susan Waltz

Cancer Biology University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 
Cell Biology
"Susan Waltz"


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James Davis grad student 2020- University of Cincinnati
Angelle Jones grad student 2020- University of Cincinnati
Louis W. Kutcher grad student 2003-2005 University of Cincinnati (Neurotree)
Jocelyn Collins grad student 2007-2009 University of Cincinnati
Megan N. Thobe grad student 2005-2010 University of Cincinnati
Sara E. Meyer grad student 2007-2010 University of Cincinnati
Purnima K. Wagh grad student 2007-2011 University of Cincinnati
Devikala Gurusamy grad student 2008-2013 University of Cincinnati
Juozas Vasiliauskas grad student 2010-2015 University of Cincinnati
Abby L. Johnson grad student 2013-2015 University of Cincinnati
Nicholas E Brown grad student 2013-2018 University of Cincinnati
Sasha Ruiz-Torres grad student 2013-2018 University of Cincinnati
Camille Sullivan grad student 2015-2020 University of Cincinnati
Brian G Hunt grad student 2016-2022 University of Cincinnati
Mike Leonis post-doc 2000-2002 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Belinda Peace post-doc 1999-2003 University of Cincinnati
Edward Chan post-doc 2001-2003 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Glendon M. Zinser post-doc 2005-2006 University of Cincinnati
Dan Carson post-doc 2005-2007 University of Cincinnati
Rebecca McClaine post-doc 2007-2009 University of Cincinnati
Nikolaos Nikolaidis post-doc 2007-2010 University of Cincinnati
Aaron M. Marshall post-doc 2010-2011 University of Cincinnati (Neurotree)
Rishikesh M. Kulkarni post-doc 2009-2014 University of Cincinnati
Nancy Benight post-doc 2012-2017 University of Cincinnati
Vummidi Premkumar Letchoumy post-doc 2014-2017 University of Cincinnati
Joseph Racca post-doc 2016-2018 University of Cincinnati
Jennifer Bourn post-doc 2019-2022 University of Cincinnati
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Vicente-Muñoz S, Davis JC, Lane A, et al. (2024) Lipid profiling of RON and DEK-dependent signaling in breast cancer guides discovery of gene networks predictive of poor outcomes. Frontiers in Oncology. 14: 1382986
Davis JC, Waltz SE. (2024) The MET Family of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Promotes a Shift to Pro-Tumor Metabolism. Genes. 15
Oropeza E, Seker S, Carrel S, et al. (2023) Molecular portraits of cell cycle checkpoint kinases in cancer evolution, progression, and treatment responsiveness. Science Advances. 9: eadf2860
Hunt BG, Davis JC, Fox LH, et al. (2023) RON-augmented cholesterol biosynthesis in breast cancer metastatic progression and recurrence. Oncogene
Hunt BG, Fox LH, Davis JC, et al. (2023) An Introduction and Overview of RON Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling. Genes. 14
Vicente-Muñoz S, Hunt BG, Lange TE, et al. (2022) NMR-based metabolomic analysis identifies RON-DEK-β-catenin dependent metabolic pathways and a gene signature that stratifies breast cancer patient survival. Plos One. 17: e0274128
Brown NE, Jones A, Hunt BG, et al. (2022) Prostate tumor RON receptor signaling mediates macrophage recruitment to drive androgen deprivation therapy resistance through Gas6-mediated Axl and RON signaling. The Prostate
Hunt BG, Jones A, Lester C, et al. (2022) RON () and HGFL () Co-Overexpression Supports Breast Tumorigenesis through Autocrine and Paracrine Cellular Crosstalk. Cancers. 14
Ruiz-Torres SJ, Bourn JR, Benight NM, et al. (2021) Macrophage-mediated RON signaling supports breast cancer growth and progression through modulation of IL-35. Oncogene
Bourn JR, Ruiz-Torres SJ, Hunt BG, et al. (2021) Tumor cell intrinsic RON signaling suppresses innate immune responses in breast cancer through inhibition of IRAK4 signaling. Cancer Letters. 503: 75-90
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