Scott J. Cypers, Ph.D.

2005 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Scott Cypers"
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Rodney K. Goodyear grad student 2005 USC
 (A daily diary approach to compare the accuracy of depressed and nondepressed participants' estimation of positive and negative mood: A test of the depressive realism hypothesis.)
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Hagedorn LS, Maxwell WE, Cypers S, et al. (2007) Course shopping in urban community colleges: An analysis of student drop and add activities Journal of Higher Education. 78: 464-485
Blustein DL, Goodyear RK, Perry JC, et al. (2005) The shifting sands of counseling psychology programs' institutional contexts: An environmental scan and revitalizing strategies Counseling Psychologist. 33: 610-634
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