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Marc Ettlinger, Ph.D.

Neurology The Department of Veterans Affairs Northern California Health Care System 
Phonetics, Phonology
"Marc Ettlinger"
Mean distance: 14.91 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: LinguisTree


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Carla L. Hudson Kam grad student 2005-2008 UC Berkeley (LinguisTree)
Larry M. Hyman grad student 2005-2008 UC Berkeley (LinguisTree)
Sharon Inkelas grad student 2005-2008 UC Berkeley (LinguisTree)
Keith Johnson grad student 2005-2008 UC Berkeley (LinguisTree)
 (Input -driven opacity.)
Patrick C.M. Wong post-doc 2008- Northwestern (LinguisTree)
David L. Woods research scientist 2011- Veteran's Administration


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Wajeeh Bakhsh research assistant Northwestern (LinguisTree)
Angela Papa research assistant Northwestern (LinguisTree)


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John Ohala collaborator 2005-2008 UC Berkeley
BETA: Related publications


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Antoniou M, Ettlinger M, Wong PC. (2016) Complexity, Training Paradigm Design, and the Contribution of Memory Subsystems to Grammar Learning. Plos One. 11: e0158812
Ettlinger M, Morgan-Short K, Faretta-Stutenberg M, et al. (2015) The Relationship Between Artificial and Second Language Learning. Cognitive Science
Kang X, Herron TJ, Ettlinger M, et al. (2015) Hemispheric asymmetries in cortical and subcortical anatomy. Laterality. 1-27
Woods DL, Doss Z, Herron TJ, et al. (2015) Speech perception in older hearing impaired listeners: benefits of perceptual training. Plos One. 10: e0113965
Ettlinger M, Morgan-Short K, Faretta-Stutenberg M, et al. (2015) The Relationship Between Artificial and Second Language Learning Cognitive Science
Antoniou M, Liang E, Ettlinger M, et al. (2015) The bilingual advantage in phonetic learning Bilingualism. 18: 683-695
Ettlinger M, Lanter J, Van Pay CK. (2014) Learning to remember by learning to speak. Developmental Psychology. 50: 431-8
Ingvalson EM, Ettlinger M, Wong PCM. (2014) Bilingual speech perception and learning: A review of recent trends International Journal of Bilingualism. 18: 35-47
Ettlinger M, Bradlow AR, Wong PCM. (2014) Variability in the learning of complex morphophonology Applied Psycholinguistics. 35: 807-831
Finn AS, Hudson Kam CL, Ettlinger M, et al. (2013) Learning language with the wrong neural scaffolding: the cost of neural commitment to sounds. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 7: 85
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