William F. Brewer
Affiliations: | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL |
Knowledge Representation, Structure of Discourse, Human Memory, Knowledge Acquisition, Psychology of ScienceWebsite:
"William Brewer"Mean distance: 15.41 (cluster 30) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeJohn R. Pani | grad student | UIUC | |
Cristina Sampaio | grad student | UIUC | |
Kathryn L. Bock | grad student | 1975 | UIUC |
Valerie S. Makin | grad student | 2003 | UIUC |
Jason R. Finley | grad student | 2006-2012 | UIUC |
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Finley JR, Brewer WF. (2024) Accuracy and completeness of autobiographical memory: evidence from a wearable camera study. Memory (Hove, England). 1-31 |
Brewer WF. (2015) Perception is Theory Laden: The Naturalized Evidence and Philosophical Implications Journal For General Philosophy of Science |
Brewer WF, Sampaio C. (2012) The metamemory approach to confidence: A test using semantic memory Journal of Memory and Language. 67: 59-77 |
Finley JR, Brewer WF, Benjamin AS. (2011) The effects of end-of-day picture review and a sensor-based picture capture procedure on autobiographical memory using SenseCam. Memory (Hove, England). 19: 796-807 |
Sampaio C, Brewer WF. (2009) The role of unconscious memory errors in judgments of confidence for sentence recognition. Memory & Cognition. 37: 158-63 |
Brewer WF, Sampaio C. (2006) Processes leading to confidence and accuracy in sentence recognition: a metamemory approach. Memory (Hove, England). 14: 540-52 |
Brewer WF, Sampaio C, Barlow MR. (2005) Confidence and accuracy in the recall of deceptive and nondeceptive sentences Journal of Memory and Language. 52: 618-627 |
Mishra P, Brewer WF. (2003) Theories as a form of mental representation and their role in the recall of text information Contemporary Educational Psychology. 28: 277-303 |
Chinn CA, Brewer WF. (2001) Models of data: A theory of how people evaluate data Cognition and Instruction. 19: 323-393 |
Brewer WF, Lambert BL. (2001) The theory-ladenness of observation and the theory-ladenness of the rest of the scientific process Philosophy of Science. 68: S176-S186 |