James Heida

Texas A& M Healths Sci Ctr, Bryan, TX, United States 
"James Heida"
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Scantlebury MH, Heida JG. (2010) Febrile seizures and temporal lobe epileptogenesis. Epilepsy Research. 89: 27-33
Heida JG, Englot DJ, Sacktor TC, et al. (2009) Separating kindling and LTP: lessons from studies of PKM zeta in developing and adult rats. Neuroscience Letters. 453: 229-32
Heida JG, Moshé SL, Pittman QJ. (2009) The role of interleukin-1beta in febrile seizures. Brain & Development. 31: 388-93
Galic MA, Riazi K, Heida JG, et al. (2008) Postnatal inflammation increases seizure susceptibility in adult rats. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 28: 6904-13
Scantlebury MH, Heida JG, Hasson HJ, et al. (2007) Age-dependent consequences of status epilepticus: animal models. Epilepsia. 48: 75-82
Heida JG, Pittman QJ. (2005) Causal links between brain cytokines and experimental febrile convulsions in the rat. Epilepsia. 46: 1906-13
Heida JG, Teskey GC, Pittman QJ. (2005) Febrile convulsions induced by the combination of lipopolysaccharide and low-dose kainic acid enhance seizure susceptibility, not epileptogenesis, in rats. Epilepsia. 46: 1898-905
Spencer SJ, Heida JG, Pittman QJ. (2005) Early life immune challenge--effects on behavioural indices of adult rat fear and anxiety. Behavioural Brain Research. 164: 231-8
Heida JG, Boissé L, Pittman QJ. (2004) Lipopolysaccharide-induced febrile convulsions in the rat: short-term sequelae. Epilepsia. 45: 1317-29
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