Ajay B. Chitnis

1997- Division of Developmental Biology National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD, United States 
Neurogenesis, zebrafish, pattern formation, lateral line, collective migration, morphogenesis, multiscale modelling, self-organization
"Ajay Chitnis"
Mean distance: 15.45 (cluster 11)
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Dalle Nogare DE, Natesh N, Vishwasrao HD, et al. (2020) Zebrafish Posterior Lateral Line primordium migration requires interactions between a superficial sheath of motile cells and the skin. Elife. 9
Dalle Nogare D, Chitnis AB. (2019) NetLogo agent-based models as tools for understanding the self-organization of cell fate, morphogenesis and collective migration of the zebrafish posterior Lateral Line primordium. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
Chitnis AB. (2019) Decision letter: Notch signaling restricts FGF pathway activation in parapineal cells to promote their collective migration Elife
Neelathi UM, Dalle Nogare D, Chitnis AB. (2018) Cxcl12a induces expression to initiate collective migration and sequential Fgf-dependent neuromast formation in the zebrafish posterior Lateral Line primordium. Development (Cambridge, England)
Dalle Nogare D, Chitnis AB. (2017) Self-organizing spots get under your skin. Plos Biology. 15: e2004412
Dalle Nogare D, Chitnis AB. (2017) A framework for understanding morphogenesis and migration of the zebrafish posterior Lateral Line primordium. Mechanisms of Development
Knutsdottir H, Zmurchok C, Bhaskar D, et al. (2017) Polarization and migration in the zebrafish posterior lateral line system. Plos Computational Biology. 13: e1005451
Nogare DD, Nikaido M, Somers K, et al. (2016) In toto imaging of the migrating Zebrafish lateral line primordium at single cell resolution. Developmental Biology
Matsuda M, Rand K, Palardy G, et al. (2016) Epb41l5 competes with Delta as a substrate for Mib1 to coordinate specification and differentiation of neurons. Development (Cambridge, England)
Chitnis A, Bally-Cuif L. (2016) The Notch meeting: an odyssey from structure to function. Development. 143: 547-553
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