Deda Gillespie
Affiliations: | McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada |
"Deda Gillespie"Mean distance: 12.73 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMichael P. Stryker | grad student | UCSF | |
David Ferster | post-doc | Northwestern | |
Karl Kandler | post-doc | University of Pittsburgh |
Sign in to add traineeRaphael Chan | research assistant | McMaster University | |
Daniel T. Case | grad student | McMaster University | |
Xiwu Zhao | post-doc | University of Michigan | |
Javier Alamilla | post-doc | 2009- | McMaster University |
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Case DT, Alamilla J, Gillespie DC. (2014) VGLUT3 does not synergize GABA/glycine release during functional refinement of an inhibitory auditory circuit. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 8: 140 |
Mitchell RR, Szabo E, Benoit YD, et al. (2014) Activation of neural cell fate programs toward direct conversion of adult human fibroblasts into tri-potent neural progenitors using OCT-4. Stem Cells and Development. 23: 1937-46 |
Alamilla J, Gillespie DC. (2013) Maturation of calcium-dependent GABA, glycine, and glutamate release in the glycinergic MNTB-LSO pathway. Plos One. 8: e75688 |
Alamilla J, Gillespie DC. (2011) Glutamatergic inputs and glutamate-releasing immature inhibitory inputs activate a shared postsynaptic receptor population in lateral superior olive. Neuroscience. 196: 285-96 |
Case DT, Gillespie DC. (2011) Pre- and postsynaptic properties of glutamatergic transmission in the immature inhibitory MNTB-LSO pathway. Journal of Neurophysiology. 106: 2570-9 |
Case DT, Zhao X, Gillespie DC. (2011) Functional refinement in the projection from ventral cochlear nucleus to lateral superior olive precedes hearing onset in rat. Plos One. 6: e20756 |
Kandler K, Gillespie DC. (2005) Developmental refinement of inhibitory sound-localization circuits. Trends in Neurosciences. 28: 290-6 |
Gillespie DC, Kim G, Kandler K. (2005) Inhibitory synapses in the developing auditory system are glutamatergic. Nature Neuroscience. 8: 332-8 |
Hagen V, Benndorf K, Kaupp UB, et al. (2005) Control of Cellular Activity Dynamic Studies in Biology: Phototriggers, Photoswitches and Caged Biomolecules. 155-251 |
Ene FA, Kullmann PH, Gillespie DC, et al. (2003) Glutamatergic calcium responses in the developing lateral superior olive: receptor types and their specific activation by synaptic activity patterns. Journal of Neurophysiology. 90: 2581-91 |