Maureen Reed

Ryerson College, Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
Visual perception
"Maureen Reed"
Mean distance: 16.25 (cluster 23)
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Steeves JK, Reed MJ, Steinbach MJ, et al. (1999) Monocular horizontal OKN in observers with early- and late-onset strabismus. Behavioural Brain Research. 103: 135-43
Reed MJ, Steeves JK, Steinbach MJ. (1997) A comparison of contrast letter thresholds in unilateral eye enucleated subjects and binocular and monocular control subjects. Vision Research. 37: 2465-9
Reed MJ, Steeves JK, Steinbach MJ, et al. (1996) Contrast letter thresholds in the non-affected eye of strabismic and unilateral eye enucleated subjects. Vision Research. 36: 3011-8
Steeves JKE, Reed MJ, Kraft SP, et al. (1996) Interocular comparison of monocular OKN in early and late-onset strabismic subjects Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 37: S276
Reed MJ, Steinbach MJ, Ono H, et al. (1995) Alignment ability of strabismic and eye enucleated subjects on the horizontal and oblique meridians. Vision Research. 35: 2523-8
Reed MJ, Steinbach MJ, Anstis SM, et al. (1991) The development of optokinetic nystagmus in strabismic and monocularly enucleated subjects. Behavioural Brain Research. 46: 31-42
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