Alessio Avenanti, Ph.D.

2006- Department of Psychology University of Bologna 
cognitive neuroscience, social neuroscience,
"Alessio Avenanti"

2018-to date Directore of the master in Neuroscience and neuropsychological rehabilitation, University of Bologna
2014-to date Associate professor in Cognitive neuroscience, University of Bologna
2006-to date Head of the Non-invasive brain research group at University of Bologna and IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia.
2006-2012 Assistant professor in Cognitive neuroscience, University of Bologna
2007 Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Rome La Sapienza
2003 Master degree in Experimental Psychology, University of Rome La Sapienza

Mean distance: 15.77 (cluster 23)
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Turrini S, Fiori F, Bevacqua N, et al. (2024) Spike-timing-dependent plasticity induction reveals dissociable supplementary- and premotor-motor pathways to automatic imitation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2404925121
Chiappini E, Turrini S, Zanon M, et al. (2024) Driving Hebbian plasticity over ventral premotor-motor projections transiently enhances motor resonance. Brain Stimulation. 17: 211-220
Bevacqua N, Turrini S, Fiori F, et al. (2024) Cortico-cortical paired associative stimulation highlights asymmetrical communication between rostral premotor cortices and primary motor cortex. Brain Stimulation. 17: 89-91
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Botta A, Zhao M, Samogin J, et al. (2023) Early modulations of neural oscillations during the processing of emotional body language. Psychophysiology. e14436
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Turrini S, Bevacqua N, Cataneo A, et al. (2023) Neurophysiological Markers of Premotor-Motor Network Plasticity Predict Motor Performance in Young and Older Adults. Biomedicines. 11
Turrini S, Fiori F, Chiappini E, et al. (2023) Cortico-cortical paired associative stimulation (ccPAS) over premotor-motor areas affects local circuitries in the human motor cortex via Hebbian plasticity. Neuroimage. 271: 120027
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