Shitala P. Mishra

School Psychology University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Special Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Secondary Education, Hispanic American Studies
"Shitala Mishra"
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Dunkel P, Mishra S, Berliner D. (1989) Effects of Note Taking, Memory, and Language Proficiency on Lecture Learning for Native and Nonnative Speakers of English Tesol Quarterly. 23: 543-549
Mishra SP, Lord J, Sabers DL. (1989) Cognitive processes underlying WISC-R performance of gifted and learning disabled navajos Psychology in the Schools. 26: 31-36
Gamble CM, Mishra SP, Obrzut JE. (1988) Construct validity of neuropsychological instrumentation with a learning disabled population. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 3: 359-68
Gamble CM, Mishra SP, Obrzut JE. (1988) Construct validity of neuropsychological instrumentation with a learning disabled population. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 3: 359-368
Mishra SP. (1984) WISC-R performance pattern of learning-disabled children from Papago culture Journal of Clinical Psychology. 40: 1489-1492
Mishra SP. (1984) Recategorized WISC-R scores of learning-disabled children from Mexican-American culture Journal of Clinical Psychology. 40: 1485-1488
Mishra SP, Brown KH. (1983) The comparability of WAIS and WAIS-R IQs and subtest scores Journal of Clinical Psychology. 39: 754-757
Murray AM, Mishra SP. (1983) Judgments of Item Bias in the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 5: 325-336
Murray AM, Mishra SP. (1983) Item Bias in Individually Administered Ability Tests: Implications for Nondiscriminatory Assessment Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 1: 353-366
Mishra SP. (1983) Evidence of item bias in the verbal subtests of the WISC-R for Mexican-American children Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 1: 321-328
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