Jacob A. Donoghue, Sc.B.

Neuroscience Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Cortex, Ensemble Spiking Activity, Epilepsy
"Jacob Donoghue"
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Leigh R. Hochberg research assistant 2008-2009 Brown
Sydney S. Cash research assistant 2009-2011 MGH
Earl K. Miller grad student 2013- MIT
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Eisen AJ, Kozachkov L, Bastos AM, et al. (2024) Propofol anesthesia destabilizes neural dynamics across cortex. Neuron
Chakravarty S, Donoghue J, Waite AS, et al. (2023) Closed-loop control of anesthetic state in nonhuman primates. Pnas Nexus. 2: pgad293
Tauber JM, Brincat SL, Stephen EP, et al. (2023) Propofol-mediated Unconsciousness Disrupts Progression of Sensory Signals through the Cortical Hierarchy. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-20
Palepu K, Sadeghi K, Kleinschmidt DF, et al. (2023) An examination of sleep spindle metrics in the Sleep Heart Health Study: superiority of automated spindle detection over total sigma power in assessing age-related spindle decline. Bmc Neurology. 23: 359
Xiong YS, Donoghue JA, Lundqvist M, et al. (2023) Propofol-mediated loss of consciousness disrupts predictive routing and local field phase modulation of neural activity. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Bhattacharya S, Donoghue JA, Mahnke M, et al. (2022) Propofol Anesthesia Alters Cortical Traveling Waves. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-13
Garwood IC, Chakravarty S, Donoghue J, et al. (2021) A hidden Markov model reliably characterizes ketamine-induced spectral dynamics in macaque local field potentials and human electroencephalograms. Plos Computational Biology. 17: e1009280
Bastos AM, Donoghue JA, Brincat SL, et al. (2021) Neural effects of propofol-induced unconsciousness and its reversal using thalamic stimulation. Elife. 10
Brincat SL, Donoghue JA, Mahnke MK, et al. (2021) Interhemispheric transfer of working memories. Neuron
Wutz A, Loonis R, Roy JE, et al. (2018) Different Levels of Category Abstraction by Different Dynamics in Different Prefrontal Areas. Neuron
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