Stephen Reysen, Ph.D.

2009 Psychology University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
Social Psychology
"Stephen Reysen"
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Nyla R. Branscombe grad student 2009 University of Kansas
 (Identity theft: Moral antecedents, moral anger, and impression management.)


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Jennifer L Shaw grad student 2014-2018 Texas A&M Commerce (PsychTree)
Thomas R Brooks grad student 2016-2021 Texas A&M University - Commerce (PsychTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Brooks TR, Reysen S. (2022) Personality and Sexual Perceptions of Penises: Digital Impression Formation. Sexuality & Culture. 1-18
Brooks TR, Bennett TN, Myhre A, et al. (2022) "Chasing Tail": Testing the Relative Strength of Sexual Interest and Social Interaction as Predictors of Furry Identity. Journal of Sex Research. 1-12
Tague AM, Reysen S, Plante C. (2019) Belongingness as a mediator of the relationship between felt stigma and identification in fans. The Journal of Social Psychology. 1-8
Plante CN, Rosenfeld DL, Plante M, et al. (2019) The role of social identity motivation in dietary attitudes and behaviors among vegetarians. Appetite. 141: 104307
Katzarska-Miller I, Reysen S. (2019) Spontaneous usage of shared humanity arguments Current Psychology. 1-10
Brooks TR, Reysen S, Katzarska-Miller I. (2018) Romeo and Juliet: Perceptions of Love of Stigmatized Relationships Interpersona: An International Journal On Personal Relationships. 11: 102-112
Baring R, Sarmiento P, Sibug N, et al. (2018) Filipino College Students’ Attitudes towards Religion: An Analysis of the Underlying Factors Religions. 9: 85
Reysen S, Plante CN. (2017) Fans, Perceived Maturity, and Willingness to Form a Romantic Relationship: Application of a Short Maturity Measure Komunikacija I Kultura Online. 8: 154-173
Reysen S, Katzarska-Miller I, Gibson S, et al. (2017) Global citizenship identification and willingness to protest unethical corporations International Journal of Business and Globalisation. 18: 480-492
Mohebpour I, Reysen S, Gibson S, et al. (2017) Religiosity, Religious Acceptance, Social Interaction, and Satisfaction with University Experience. International Journal of Christianity & Education. 21: 197-212
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