Philip J. Holmes

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
 Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
"Philip John Holmes" OR "Philip J Holmes"
Holmes, Philip John (1974) The experimental characterisation of vibration transmission systems using transient excitation. University of Southampton, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Doctoral Thesis, 230pp.

Mean distance: 14.61 (cluster 17)


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Robert G. White grad student 1974 University of Southampton (E-Tree)
 (The experimental characterisation of vibration transmission systems using transient excitation)


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Marius Pachitariu research assistant 2008-2010 Princeton
Juan Joanne Gao grad student
Yuan Sophie Liu grad student Salk Institute
Stephen R. Wiggins grad student 1985 Cornell (Fluid Dynamics and Combustion Tree)
Andrew J. Szeri grad student 1988 Cornell (E-Tree)
John M. Schmitt grad student 2001 Princeton
Jaime E. Cisternas grad student 2003 Princeton
Troy R. Smith grad student 2003 Princeton
Eric T. Brown grad student 2004 Princeton
Raffaele M. Ghigliazza grad student 2004 Princeton
Eric Shea-Brown grad student 2004 Princeton
Justin Seipel grad student 2006 Princeton
Philip A. Eckhoff grad student 2009 Princeton
Raghavendra Kukillaya grad student 2010 Princeton
Andrea Nedic grad student 2011 Princeton
Joshua L. Proctor grad student 2011 Princeton
Samuel F. Feng grad student 2012 Princeton
Stephanie E. Goldfarb grad student 2013 Princeton
Paul B. Reverdy grad student 2014 Princeton
Fuat Balci post-doc 2008- Princeton
Manoj Srinivasan post-doc 2006-2009 Princeton (Biomechanics Tree)
KongFatt Wong-Lin post-doc 2006-2010 Princeton
BETA: Related publications


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Aminzare Z, Holmes P. (2019) Heterogeneous Inputs to Central Pattern Generators Can Shape Insect Gaits Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 18: 1037-1059
Proctor JL, Holmes P. (2018) The effects of feedback on stability and maneuverability of a phase-reduced model for cockroach locomotion. Biological Cybernetics
Aminzare Z, Srivastava V, Holmes P. (2018) Gait Transitions in a Phase Oscillator Model of an Insect Central Pattern Generator Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 17: 626-671
Mantziaris C, Bockemühl T, Holmes P, et al. (2017) Intra- and intersegmental influences among central pattern generating networks in the walking system of the stick insect. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00321.2017
Tomlin D, Nedic A, Prentice DA, et al. (2017) The integration of social influence and reward: Computational approaches and neural evidence. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience
Krueger PM, van Vugt MK, Simen P, et al. (2017) Evidence accumulation detected in BOLD signal using slow perceptual decision making. Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Teramoto Y, Takahashi D, Holmes P, et al. (2017) Vocal development in a Waddington landscape. Elife. 6
Feng S, Holmes P. (2016) Will big data yield new mathematics? An evolving synergy with neuroscience. Ima Journal of Applied Mathematics. 81: 432-456
David I, Holmes P, Ayali A. (2016) Endogenous rhythm and pattern-generating circuit interactions in cockroach motor centres. Biology Open
Srivastava V, Holmes P, Simen P. (2016) Explicit moments of decision times for single- and double-threshold drift-diffusion processes Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 75: 96-109
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