Silvio Weidmann
Affiliations: | Physiology | University of Bern, Bern, Bern, Switzerland |
Electrophysiology, cardiac muscleWebsite:
"Silvio Weidmann"Bio:
1921-2005. He is considered to be the founder of cardiac celllular electrophysiology and the first to record action potentials from cardiac muscle. For short biographies see:
Mean distance: 13.75 (cluster 16) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Physiology Academic Tree
Sign in to add mentorTorsten Teorell | post-doc | 1947-1948 | Uppsala |
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin | post-doc | 1948-1950 | Cambridge |
Andrew Fielding Huxley | post-doc | 1948-1950 | Cambridge |
Sign in to add traineeEdward E Carmeliet | post-doc | 1958-1960 | Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (Physiology Academic Tree) |
Peter Hess | post-doc | 1979-1984 | University of Bern |
Robert Weingart | post-doc | 1980-1984 | University of Bern |
Jürg Streit | post-doc | 1985 | University of Bern, Switzerland |
Ernst Niggli | post-doc | 1985-1987 | Department of Physiology, University of Bern |
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Weingart R, Imanaga I, Weidmann S. (1975) Low resistance pathways between myocardial cells. Recent Advances in Studies On Cardiac Structure and Metabolism. 5: 227-32 |
Weidmann S. (1966) The diffusion of radiopotassium across intercalated disks of mammalian cardiac muscle. The Journal of Physiology. 187: 323-42 |
WEIDMANN S. (1961) Ion movements underlying the cardiac action potential. American Heart Journal. 61: 298-302 |
WEIDMANN S. (1951) [Membrane resistance during heart action]. Helvetica Physiologica Et Pharmacologica Acta. 9: C 39 |