Thomas L. Sexton

Psychology Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Music
"Thomas Sexton"
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Hartnett D, Carr A, Hamilton E, et al. (2016) Therapist implementation and parent experiences of the three phases of Functional Family Therapy Journal of Family Therapy
Sexton TL. (2016) Incarceration as a family affair: Thinking beyond the individual. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. 5: 61-64
Hartnett D, Carr A, Sexton T. (2015) The Effectiveness of Functional Family Therapy in Reducing Adolescent Mental Health Risk and Family Adjustment Difficulties in an Irish Context. Family Process
Sexton TL, Datchi C. (2014) The development and evolution of family therapy research: its impact on practice, current status, and future directions. Family Process. 53: 415-33
Hollon SD, Areán PA, Craske MG, et al. (2014) Development of clinical practice guidelines. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. 10: 213-41
Fisher AR, Stokey MF, Sasaki HM, et al. (2014) When It Helps, When It Hurts: Preliminary Results of Relationship Enhancement Education and <i>The Hold Me Tight</i> Program Psychology. 5: 1254-1259
Sexton TL. (2014) Moving forward: Next steps in the evolution of the Couple and family psychology: Research and practice. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. 3: 137-140
Graham C, Carr A, Rooney B, et al. (2013) Evaluation of functional family therapy in an Irish context Journal of Family Therapy. 36: 20-38
Patterson T, Sexton T. (2013) Bridging conceptual frameworks: A systemic heuristic for understanding family diversity. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. 2: 237-245
Datchi CC, Sexton TL. (2013) Can family therapy have an effect on adult criminal conduct? Initial evaluation of functional family therapy. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. 2: 278-293
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