Angela Prehn

Public Health Walden University, Minneapolis, MN, United States 
Public Health, Epidemiology
"Angela Prehn"
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Ward E, Jemal A, Thun M, et al. (2005) Regarding "increase in breast cancer incidence in middle-aged women during the 1990s" (multiple letters) Annals of Epidemiology. 15: 424-427
Prehn AW, Topol B, Stewart S, et al. (2002) Differences in treatment patterns for localized breast carcinoma among Asian/Pacific islander women. Cancer. 95: 2268-75
Prehn A, Clarke C, Topol B, et al. (2002) Increase in breast cancer incidence in middle-aged women during the 1990s. Annals of Epidemiology. 12: 476-81
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