Carlo Arrigo Umiltà

Psicologia Generale Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Veneto, Italy 
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"Carlo Umiltà"
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D'Ascenzo S, Lugli L, Nicoletti R, et al. (2020) Practice effects vs. transfer effects in the Simon task. Psychological Research
Lugli L, D'Ascenzo S, Nicoletti R, et al. (2018) The Role of Visual Distractors in the Simon Effect. Experimental Psychology. 64: 387-397
Scerrati E, Lugli L, Nicoletti R, et al. (2017) Comparing Stroop-like and Simon Effects on Perceptual Features. Scientific Reports. 7: 17815
Di Rosa E, Bardi L, Umiltà C, et al. (2017) Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) reveals a dissociation between SNARC and MARC effects: Implication for the polarity correspondence account. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 93: 68-78
Treccani B, Cona G, Milanese N, et al. (2017) Sequential modulation of (bottom-up) response activation and inhibition in a response conflict task: a single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Psychological Research. 82: 771-786
Di Bono MG, Priftis K, Umiltà C. (2017) Bridging the Gap between Brain Activity and Cognition: Beyond the Different Tales of fMRI Data Analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11: 31
Lugli L, Baroni G, Nicoletti R, et al. (2017) The Simon Effect With Saccadic Eye Movements. Experimental Psychology. 63: 107-16
Treccani B, Ronconi L, Umiltà C. (2017) Role of stimulus and response feature overlap in between-task logical recoding. Psychological Research. 81: 157-167
Gil-Gómez de Liaño B, Stablum F, Umiltà C. (2016) Can concurrent memory load reduce distraction? A replication study and beyond. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 145: e1-e12
Treccani B, Cubelli R, Della Sala S, et al. (2015) Flanker and Simon effects interact at the response selection stage. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 62: 1784-804
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