Marta Kutas

University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Electrophysiology, cognition, neuropsychology
"Marta Kutas"
Mean distance: 12.45 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: PsychTree - SPRtree


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Chrissy C. Camblin research assistant UCSD
Marjolein Korvorst research assistant UCSD
Wen-Hsuan Chan grad student UCSD
Giorgio Ganis grad student UCSD
Vicente Luis Malave grad student UCSD
Benjamin Motz grad student (PsychTree)
Francesca Pesciarelli grad student UCSD (PsychTree)
Haline E. Schendan grad student UCSD
Kim Sweeney grad student Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD
Burcu Aysen Urgen grad student UCSD
Cyma Van Petten grad student UCSD
Melanie A Tumlin grad student 2007- UCSD
Melissa Troyer grad student 2012- UCSD
Ken A. Paller grad student 1981-1990 UCSD
Carrie A. Joyce grad student 2000 UCSD
Kara D. Federmeier grad student 1994-2000 UCSD
David L. Molfese grad student 1999-2001 UCSD
Nicole Y. Y. Wicha grad student 2002 UCSD
David Groppe grad student 2007 UCSD
Michael Wai Kiang grad student 2007 UCSD
Jenny Staab grad student 2007 UCSD
Arielle Borovsky grad student 2008 UCSD
Katherine Ann DeLong grad student 2009 UCSD
Laura Kemmer grad student 2009 UCSD
Nathan S. White grad student 2010 UCSD
Nathaniel J. Smith grad student 2011 UCSD
Jonathan W. King post-doc UCSD
Diane Swick post-doc UCSD
Katherine A. DeLong post-doc 2001- UCSD
Arturo E. Hernandez post-doc 1996-1997 UCSD
Kara D. Federmeier post-doc 2000-2002 UCSD
Neil T. Cohn post-doc 2012-2014 Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD (LinguisTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Troyer M, Kutas M, Batterink L, et al. (2023) Nuances of knowing: Brain potentials reveal implicit effects of domain knowledge on word processing in the absence of sentence-level knowledge. Psychophysiology. e14422
DeLong KA, Trott S, Kutas M. (2022) Offline dominance and zeugmatic similarity normings of variably ambiguous words assessed against a neural language model (BERT). Behavior Research Methods
Troyer M, McRae K, Kutas M. (2022) Wrong or right? Brain potentials reveal hemispheric asymmetries to semantic relations during word-by-word sentence reading as a function of (fictional) knowledge. Neuropsychologia. 170: 108215
DeLong KA, Kutas M. (2020) Comprehending surprising sentences: sensitivity of post-N400 positivities to contextual congruity and semantic relatedness. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 35: 1044-1063
DeLong KA, Kutas M. (2020) Comprehending surprising sentences: sensitivity of post-N400 positivities to contextual congruity and semantic relatedness. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 35: 1044-1063
Troyer M, Kutas M. (2020) To catch a Snitch: Brain potentials reveal variability in the functional organization of (fictional) world knowledge during reading. Journal of Memory and Language. 113
DeLong KA, Chan WH, Kutas M. (2020) Testing limits: ERP evidence for word form preactivation during speeded sentence reading. Psychophysiology. e13720
Troyer M, Kutas M. (2020) Harry Potter and the Chamber of ?: The impact of what individuals know on word processing during reading. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 35: 641-657
Urbach TP, DeLong KA, Chan WH, et al. (2020) An exploratory data analysis of word form prediction during word-by-word reading. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Kutas M. (2019) Emanuel Donchin (1935-2018). The American Psychologist. 74: 851
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