Harald Clahsen

Language & Linguistics University of Essex, Colchester, England, United Kingdom 
Second language acquisition, neurolinguistics
"Harald Clahsen"
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Ciaccio LA, Clahsen H. (2020) Variability and Consistency in First and Second Language Processing: A Masked Morphological Priming Study on Prefixation and Suffixation Language Learning. 70: 103-136
Ciaccio LA, Kgolo N, Clahsen H. (2020) Morphological decomposition in Bantu: a masked priming study on Setswana prefixation Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 1-15
Abutalebi J, Clahsen H. (2020) Heritage languages, infants’ language recognition, and artificial grammars for bilingualism research Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 23: 2-3
Ruberg T, Rothweiler M, Veríssimo J, et al. (2020) Childhood bilingualism and Specific Language Impairment: A study of the CP-domain in German SLI Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 23: 668-680
Clahsen H, Jessen A. (2019) Do bilingual children lag behind? A study of morphological encoding using ERPs. Journal of Child Language. 1-25
Bosch S, Veríssimo J, Clahsen H. (2019) Inflectional morphology in bilingual language processing: An age-of-acquisition study Language Acquisition. 26: 339-360
Abutalebi J, Clahsen H. (2019) Computational approaches to word retrieval in bilinguals Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 22: 655-656
Clahsen H, Paulmann S, Budd MJ, et al. (2018) Morphological encoding beyond slots and fillers: An ERP study of comparative formation in English. Plos One. 13: e0199897
Veríssimo J, Heyer V, Jacob G, et al. (2018) Selective Effects of Age of Acquisition on Morphological Priming: Evidence for a Sensitive Period. Language Acquisition. 25: 315-326
Jessen A, Veríssimo J, Clahsen H. (2018) Variability and consistency in late bilinguals’ morphology: An ERP production study The Mental Lexicon. 13: 186-214
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