Kurt Braunlich
Affiliations: | 2010-2015 | Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA |
"Kurt Braunlich"Mean distance: 14.78 (cluster 15) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Zeithamova D, Mack ML, Braunlich K, et al. (2019) Brain Mechanisms of Concept Learning. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 39: 8259-8266 |
Braunlich K, Love BC. (2018) Occipitotemporal representations reflect individual differences in conceptual knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General |
Braunlich K, Seger CA, Jentink KG, et al. (2018) Rhythmic auditory cues shape neural network recruitment in Parkinson's disease during repetitive motor behavior. The European Journal of Neuroscience |
Braunlich K, Liu Z, Seger CA. (2017) Occipitotemporal category representations are sensitive to abstract category boundaries defined by generalization demands. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Braunlich K, Seger CA. (2015) Categorical evidence, confidence, and urgency during probabilistic categorization. Neuroimage. 125: 941-952 |
Liu Z, Braunlich K, Wehe HS, et al. (2015) Neural networks supporting switching, hypothesis testing, and rule application. Neuropsychologia |
Seger CA, Braunlich K, Wehe HS, et al. (2015) Generalization in category learning: the roles of representational and decisional uncertainty. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 35: 8802-12 |
Braunlich K, Gomez-Lavin J, Seger CA. (2015) Frontoparietal networks involved in categorization and item working memory. Neuroimage. 107: 146-62 |
Seger CA, Braunlich K, Wehe HS, et al. (2015) Generalization in category learning: The roles of representational and decisional uncertainty Journal of Neuroscience. 35: 8802-8812 |
Seger CA, Braunlich K. (2015) Category Learning Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. 3: 487-492 |