Mark B. Sandler, Ph.D

King's College (London), London, England, United Kingdom 
"Mark Sandler"
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Tian M, Sandler MB. (2017) Towards Music Structural Segmentation across Genres: Features, Structural Hypotheses, and Annotation Principles Acm Transactions On Intelligent Systems and Technology. 8: 23
Ewert S, Sandler M. (2016) Piano Transcription in the Studio Using an Extensible Alternating Directions Framework Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 24: 1983-1997
Saari P, Fazekas G, Eerola T, et al. (2016) Genre-Adaptive Semantic Computing and Audio-Based Modelling for Music Mood Annotation Ieee Transactions On Affective Computing. 7: 122-135
Kolozali S, Barthet M, Fazekas G, et al. (2013) Automatic Ontology Generation for Musical Instruments Based on Audio Analysis Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 21: 2207-2220
Wen X, Sandler M. (2013) Fast Additive Sinusoidal Synthesis With a Subband Sinusoidal Method Ieee Signal Processing Letters. 20: 467-470
Hargreaves S, Klapuri A, Sandler M. (2012) Structural Segmentation of Multitrack Audio Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 20: 2637-2647
Jang I, Kudumakis P, Sandler M, et al. (2011) The MPEG Interactive Music Application Format Standard [Standards in a Nutshell] Ieee Signal Processing Magazine. 28: 150-154
Cannam C, Sandler M, Jewell MO, et al. (2010) Linked Data and You: Bringing Music Research Software into the Semantic Web Journal of New Music Research. 39: 313-325
Noland K, Sandler M. (2009) Influences of signal processing, tone profiles, and chord progressions on a model for estimating the musical key from audio Computer Music Journal. 33: 42-56
Levy M, Sandler M. (2009) Music Information Retrieval Using Social Tags and Audio Ieee Transactions On Multimedia. 11: 383-395
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