Carolee J. Winstein

Neuroscience University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Neuroscience Biology
"Carolee Winstein"
Mean distance: 10686.6


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Beth E. Fisher grad student 2000 USC
Lara A. Boyd grad student 2001 USC
Somporn Onla-or grad student 2001 USC
Dorian K. Rose grad student 2004 USC
Chien-Ho Lin grad student 2007 USC
Jarugool Tretriluxana grad student 2007 USC
Hui-Ting Goh grad student 2010 USC
Charalambos C Charalambous grad student 2011 USC
Shu-Ya Chen grad student 2011 USC
Ya-Yun A. Lee grad student 2013 USC
Rini Varghese grad student 2015-2020 USC


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Candice Maenza collaborator
Hai-Jung Steffi Shih collaborator (Biomechanics Tree)
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Chakraborty S, Choupan J, Marin-Pardo O, et al. (2024) Larger perivascular space volume fraction is associated with worse post-stroke sensorimotor outcomes: An ENIGMA analysis. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences
Khan MH, Marin-Pardo O, Chakraborty S, et al. (2024) Greater lesion damage is bidirectionally related with accelerated brain aging after stroke. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences
Demers M, Charalambous M, Kwah LK, et al. (2024) Unique Needs and Challenges Experienced by Young People With Stroke: An International Qualitative Analysis. Neurology. Clinical Practice. 15: e200406
Park G, Khan MH, Andrushko JW, et al. (2024) Severe motor impairment is associated with lower contralesional brain age in chronic stroke. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences
Rose DK, Winstein CJ, Lewek MD, et al. (2024) Multidisciplinary Delphi Panel on Rehabilitation Approaches and Unmet Needs for Chronic Stroke Walking Impairment and the Role of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation. Cureus. 16: e68336
Olafson ER, Sperber C, Jamison KW, et al. (2024) Data-driven biomarkers better associate with stroke motor outcomes than theory-based biomarkers. Brain Communications. 6: fcae254
Cain A, Winstein CJ, Demers M. (2024) The Perspectives of Individuals with Chronic Stroke on Motor Recovery: A Qualitative Analysis. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). 12
Bishop L, Demers M, Rowe J, et al. (2024) A Novel, Wearable Inertial Measurement Unit for Stroke Survivors: Validity, Acceptability, and Usability. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Demers M, Bishop L, Cain A, et al. (2024) Wearable Technology to Capture Arm Use of People with Stroke in Home and Community Settings: Feasibility and Early Insights on Motor Performance. Physical Therapy
Sánchez N, Schweighofer N, Mulroy SJ, et al. (2023) Multi-Site Identification and Generalization of Clusters of Walking Behaviors in Individuals With Chronic Stroke and Neurotypical Controls. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 15459683231212864
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