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Sara C. Mednick, Ph.D.

2018- Department of Cognitive Sciences University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
sleep memory learning
"Sara Mednick"

In graduate school at Harvard University I worked with Robert Stickgold and Ken Nakayama studying the role of sleep in perceptual learning, using a nap design that provided methodological advancements from nocturnal sleep studies. For my post-doc at the Salk Institute and UCSD under Drs Sean Drummond (expert in sleep and cognitive aging) and Geoffrey Boynton (expert in fMRI and visual perception), I received an NIH NRSA fellowship to bring the technique of fMRI to bear on examination of the neural mechanisms underlying offline consolidation of perceptual learning. In 2011 I took a position as an Assistant Professor position at UCR Psychology Department (2011-2015), and recently tenured to Associate Professor in 2015. On Jan 1, 2018, I was hired as an Associate Professor at UC Irvine Department of Cognitive Sciences. In 2020, I moved the the Professor rank at UCI.

Mean distance: 13.27 (cluster 17)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Robert Stickgold grad student
Ken Nakayama grad student 2003 Harvard
 (Naps prevent perceptual deterioration and facilitate learning in local networks of human visual cortex.)
Geoffrey Boynton post-doc Salk Institute
Sean P. A. Drummond post-doc 2003-2008 UCSD


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Denise J. Cai grad student Mt Sinai
Negin Sattari grad student 2018- UC Irvine
Ben Yetton grad student 2018- UC Irvine
Nicola Cellini grad student 2011-2012 UC Riverside
Katherine Duggan grad student 2011-2016 University of Pittsburgh
Elizabeth McDevitt grad student 2012-2017 Princeton
Lauren Whitehurst grad student 2013-2018 University of Kentucky
Kate Simon post-doc 2019- UC Irvine
Mohammad Niknazar post-doc 2012-2014 UC Riverside
Maryam Ahmadi post-doc 2014-2017 UC Riverside
Mohsen Naji post-doc 2013-2018 UC Irvine
BETA: Related publications


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Alipour M, Mednick SC, Malerba P. (2024) Predictive Modeling of Sleep Slow Oscillation Emergence on the electrode manifold: Toward Personalized Closed-Loop Brain Stimulation. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Morehouse AB, Simon KC, Chen PC, et al. (2024) Heart Rate Variability During REM Sleep is Associated with Reduced Negative Memory Bias. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Alzueta E, Gombert-Labedens M, Javitz H, et al. (2024) Menstrual Cycle Variations in Wearable-Detected Finger Temperature and Heart Rate, But Not in Sleep Metrics, in Young and Midlife Individuals. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 7487304241265018
Gombert-Labedens M, Alzueta E, Perez-Amparan E, et al. (2024) Using Wearable Skin Temperature Data to Advance Tracking and Characterization of the Menstrual Cycle in a Real-World Setting. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 7487304241247893
Whitehurst LN, Morehouse A, Mednick SC. (2024) Can stimulants make you smarter, despite stealing your sleep? Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Shuster AE, Chen PC, Niknazar H, et al. (2024) Novel Electrophysiological Signatures of Learning and Forgetting in Human REM Sleep. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Zhang J, Pena A, Delano N, et al. (2024) Evidence of an active role of dreaming in emotional memory processing shows that we dream to forget. Scientific Reports. 14: 8722
Alipour M, Seok S, Mednick SC, et al. (2024) A classification-based generative approach to selective targeting of global slow oscillations during sleep. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 18: 1342975
Niknazar H, Mednick SC. (2024) A Multi-Level Interpretable Sleep Stage Scoring System by Infusing Experts' Knowledge Into a Deep Network Architecture. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Remakanthakurup Sindhu K, Phan C, Anis S, et al. (2023) Physiological ripples during sleep in scalp electroencephalogram of healthy infants. Sleep
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