Nitin Gupta, Ph.D.

2014- Biological Sciences and Bioengineering IIT KANPUR 
olfaction, sensory coding, computational neuroscience
"Nitin Gupta"
Mean distance: 14.05 (cluster 17)


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Pavel A. Pevzner grad student 2004-2009 UCSD
 (Computational and comparative proteogenomics: Annotating genomes and proteomes using tandem mass spectrometry.)
Mark A. Stopfer post-doc 2010- NIH
Adam R. Aron post-doc 2009-2010 UCSD


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Shashank Chepurwar grad student IIT Kanpur
Arjit Kant Gupta grad student IIT Kanpur
Amritmay Biswas grad student 2021-
Aarush Mohit Mittal grad student 2014-2018 IIT KANPUR
Pranjul Singh grad student 2015-2022 Indian Inst. of Technology - Kanpur
Kartik Rout grad student 2021-2026 IIT Kanpur


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David E. Huber collaborator 2009- UCSD
Vivian Hook collaborator 2008-2010 UCSD
BETA: Related publications


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Thomas A, Roy M, Gupta N. (2024) Olfactory coding in the mosquito antennal lobe: labeled lines or combinatorial code? Current Opinion in Insect Science. 101299
Sun K, Ray S, Gupta N, et al. (2024) Olfactory system structure and function in newly hatched and adult locusts. Scientific Reports. 14: 2608
Singh P, Goyal S, Gupta S, et al. (2023) Combinatorial encoding of odors in the mosquito antennal lobe. Nature Communications. 14: 3539
Gupta A, Singh SS, Mittal AM, et al. (2022) Mosquito Olfactory Response Ensemble enables pattern discovery by curating a behavioral and electrophysiological response database. Iscience. 25: 103938
Dalal T, Gupta N, Haddad R. (2020) Bilateral and unilateral odor processing and odor perception. Communications Biology. 3: 150
Mittal AM, Gupta D, Singh A, et al. (2020) Multiple network properties overcome random connectivity to enable stereotypic sensory responses. Nature Communications. 11: 1023
Chepurwar S, Gupta A, Haddad R, et al. (2020) Erratum to: Sequence-Based Prediction of Olfactory Receptor Responses. Chemical Senses
Chepurwar S, Gupta A, Haddad R, et al. (2019) Sequence-Based Prediction of Olfactory Receptor Responses. Chemical Senses. 44: 693-703
Mittal AM, Singh SS, Gupta N. (2018) Sensory Coding: Neurons That Wire Together Fire Longer. Current Biology : Cb. 28: R608-R610
Gupta N, Singh SS, Stopfer M. (2016) Oscillatory integration windows in neurons. Nature Communications. 7: 13808
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