Steven L. Lancaster, Ph.D.

2011 Psychology Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 
Clinical Psychology
"Steven Lancaster"
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Benjamin Rodriguez grad student 2011 SIU Carbondale
 (An empirical test of a cognitive model of PTSD using path analysis and structural equation modeling.)
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Grau PP, Larsen SE, Lancaster SL, et al. (2020) Change in Event Centrality and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms During Intensive Treatment. Journal of Traumatic Stress
Jennings AF, LeBlanc H, Kisch K, et al. (2020) Blurred boundaries between Pro-Anorexia and Fitspiration media? Diverging cognitive and emotional effects. Eating Disorders. 1-11
Lancaster SL, Miller M. (2019) Moral decision making, religious strain, and the experience of moral injury. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy
Markowitz FE, Kintzle SM, Castro CA, et al. (2019) Effects of Perceived Public Regard on the Well-Being of Military Veterans: Society and Mental Health. 215686931989437
Lancaster SL, Irene Harris J. (2018) Measures of morally injurious experiences: A quantitative comparison. Psychiatry Research. 264: 15-19
Lancaster SL, Kintzle S, Castro CA. (2018) Validation of the Warrior Identity Scale in the Chicagoland Veterans Study Identity. 18: 34-43
Lancaster SL. (2017) Negative outcomes after morally injurious experiences: A replication and extension. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. 10: 456-462
Boals A, Lancaster S. (2017) Religious Coping and Mental Health Outcomes: The Mediating Roles of Event Centrality, Negative Affect, and Social Support for Military Veterans Military Behavioral Health. 6: 22-29
Lancaster SL, Erbes CR. (2017) Importance of moral appraisals in military veterans Traumatology. 23: 317-322
Lancaster SL, Larsen SE. (2016) Profiles of Peritraumatic Emotions Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 1-13
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