Stefanie Bruno, Ph.D.

2013 Psychology City University of New York, New York, NY, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology
"Stefanie Bruno"
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Kristin L. Sommer grad student 2013 CUNY
 (The Effects of Social Influence, Power, and Tangible Rewards on Need-Fulfillment, Coworker Attraction and Helping Behaviors.)
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Sommer KL, Parson C, Bruno S, et al. (2012) Sex and need for power as predictors of reactions to disobedience Social Influence. 7: 1-20
Bourgeois MJ, Sommer KL, Bruno S. (2009) What do we get out of influencing others? Social Influence. 4: 96-121
Bruno S, Lutwak N, Agin MA. (2009) Conceptualizations of guilt and the corresponding relationships to emotional ambivalence, self-disclosure, loneliness and alienation Personality and Individual Differences. 47: 487-491
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