Stéphanie Chevallier

Université de Bordeaux, Talence, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France 
"Stéphanie Chevallier"
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Cabelguen JM, Chevallier S, Amontieva-Potapova I, et al. (2013) Anatomical and electrophysiological plasticity of locomotor networks following spinal transection in the salamander. Neuroscience Bulletin. 29: 467-76
Gariépy JF, Missaghi K, Chevallier S, et al. (2012) Specific neural substrate linking respiration to locomotion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: E84-92
Chevallier S, Monti M, Michel P, et al. (2008) [Lumbar puncture]. Revue Mã©Dicale Suisse. 4: 2312-4, 2316-8
Chevallier S, Nagy F, Cabelguen JM. (2008) Muscarinic control of the excitability of hindlimb motoneurons in chronic spinal-transected salamanders. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 28: 2243-53
Chevallier S, Jan Ijspeert A, Ryczko D, et al. (2008) Organisation of the spinal central pattern generators for locomotion in the salamander: biology and modelling. Brain Research Reviews. 57: 147-61
Chevallier S, Nagy F, Cabelguen JM. (2006) Cholinergic control of excitability of spinal motoneurones in the salamander. The Journal of Physiology. 570: 525-40
Chevallier S, Landry M, Nagy F, et al. (2004) Recovery of bimodal locomotion in the spinal-transected salamander, Pleurodeles waltlii. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 20: 1995-2007
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